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Use templates

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Upload metrics for global reporting leading to more institutional support


Discover how other libraries do things

By sharing experiences, data and knowledge, let's help each other increase our impact and stop reinventing the wheel. As you contribute, you learn from others and new projects get a smooth start & overcome hurdles.

Documents and templates

Explore & download documents used to create, launch and operate an object library. Available in many languages.

Our awesome features
Detailed metrics

By reporting your key metrics, help build.a detailed understanding of the object libraries worldwide and drive funding!

Our awesome features
Best practices

Read about the best practices to plan a launch, manage volunteers, design the space, repair objects and accept donations.

Our awesome features

Explore the impact of objects libraries worldwide

ShareStarter gathers and aggregates data from all subscribed libraries to put together a thourough understanding of the numbers behind the project and provide useful insights for project leaders and decision makers alike.

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